Seasonal activities

Light-Festival in January

A Light-Festival is organized every year in January. Some 30 light-installations from different artists transform the old town of Murten and the area around it into a fairyland.

Delicious Pomace-Sausage in January and February

The local wine growers serve their special Pomace-Sausage in their cozy cellars in January and February. When they distill the grape-marc, the sausages are cooked at the same time in the big kettle. It is served with potato salad, gratinated potatoes or with just a tasty piece of bread. It goes without saying that a glass of local wine is served and maybe you can finish the meal with a marc from their own grapes.

slowUp around Lake Murten, April 27, 2025

It will be for the 24th time that the slowup will take place around Lake Murten. The roads are closed to engine propelled vehicles and are exclusively reserved for rollerblades and bikes. An event for anyone enjoying a day out in a truly scenic region. Stop at one of the food stalls and have a drink or a grilled sausage, or perhaps even a piece of the famous Vully-pie.

«Solennität» (Commemoration of the Battle of Murten), June 22

To commemorate the famous Battle of Murten in 1476, the city celebrates every year the «Solennität». It is one of those «once in a lifetime» events not to be missed. The old town is beautifully decorated. The many fountains look breathtaking. And then, there is the parade. All the scholars dressed in white parade through the old town. In between the classes various bands march along, as does the cadet corps, one of the few left in Switzerland.

Historic shooting-competition, June 23, 2024

In commemoration of the famous Battle of Murten, the historic shooting-competition takes place as it has done since 1930. The event is held at «Bodenmünzi» (a hill overlooking the old town of Murten) where in June 1476, the Duke «Charles the Bold» from Burgundy had set up his camp with approx. 20’000 soldiers, besieging the 2’000 Swiss soldiers in the well protected old town of Murten.

The participants of the shooting competition (teams of 10 shooters) meet early in the morning at the local school near the entrance to the old town. Led by the local brassband, the procession walks through the decorated old town to the shooting range.

Open airs

Open air cinema in Murten from July to August 2024

Enjoy a relaxing film-evening in front of the historic town wall.

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Murten Classics from August to September 2024

Classical concerts in the courtyard of the castle and other locations in the old town have been exciting and inspiring visitors for many years.

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Stars of Sounds from 4 to 6 July 2024

Well known bands and singers perform over 3 days on the shores of Lake Murten. The unique setting creates the special atmosphere only this region can offer.

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Vintage festivals in September and October

During these two months, the wine villages along the three lakes offer a variety of vintage festivals. Wine tastings, parades and welcoming celebrations – local tradition at its best.

Murten run, 29. September 2024

After the Swiss had defeated the army of «Charles the Bold», Duke of Burgundy, on June 22, 1476 in Murten according to legend, a messenger has been sent from Murten to Fribourg to announce the good news of the victory. It is said that the messenger, upon arrival in Fribourg (17.17 km) died of exhaustion. To commemorate the messenger, for nearly 90 years there has been a race held between the two locations.

Martins-Market or Martini-Market, November 1, 2024

Held on the first Wednesday in November, the main roads of the old town of Murten are transformed into a colourful market place. Market stalls with food, local crafts and more line up during this traditional market. Its origin dates back to medieval times, when the «farmer’s year» started and ended on November 11. Time for the farmers to pay their dues to the local bailiff, the convent or other authorities. It was also time for the farmers to lay off or hire laborer and servants.

Truffle market, November 16 et 17, 2024

In November there is the traditional truffle market in the old town of Murten. Around 20 food stalls offer a wide variety of truffles and truffle related products.

Murten on Ice in December

Murten on Ice is more than an outdoor ice rink. It is a place for social gatherings, a meeting point for locals and visitors, for different generations and for bon vivants and athletes.

Christmas Market Murten, December 10 to 12, 2023

From the middle of December, the historic old town becomes one of the most beautiful Christmas Markets. It is hard to imagine a more beautiful setting surrounded by the walls and the historical buildings.